Utilities and keeping warm

Emergency Numbers

Power Cut:   105

Scottish Water:   0800 077 8778

Floodline Scotland:   0345 988 1188

Gas Emergencies:   0800 111 999 

Aberdeen City Council Housing Repair Emergency (No heating and/or hot water): 0800 111 999

Problems with your services can be a knock on effect of inclement weather, from power cuts during storms to frozen pipes. Heating and insulation issues, and fuel poverty are made worse by colder weather. 

Have a basic emergency kit in your home in case of loss of electricity/water/gas. See here for what to include: Get ready 

Priority services register for electricity/water/gas

Some people may need extra help to make sure they are safe, and many people are eligible for extra, free support in challenging times.

Scotland's energy and water suppliers have schemes that allow residents with various needs to register for priority support in the event of an issue with their supply. 

You can find out how to register here: https://ready.scot/prepare/get-and-offer-support or see the links and videos below.

You could qualify for the priority services register if:


Aberdeen City Council Warm Spaces

Aberdeen City Council are working together with partner organisations across Aberdeen to provide a range of public warm spaces that will provide an opportunity for people to come together, share and use resources.

Every warm space is unique however all warm spaces will offer a friendly welcome and comfortable environment to meet friends or socialise. Some warm spaces may be able to provide hot drink and have activities or programmes that you can join in with. There may be a small charge for some activities.

Your nearest official warm spaces are: Cairncry Community Centre, Mastrick Library, Woodside Fountain Centre, Rosemount Learning Centre. 

You can check their opening hours, and the facilities they provide here: https://www.aberdeencity.gov.uk/services/people-and-communities/warm-spaces

image of Cairncry community centre cafe. round tables are surrounded by chairs. The kitchen is in the background with a selection of snacks and drinks on the counter.

Cairncry Community Centre Cafe

SCARF: Energy Advice

Scarf is a charity/social enterprise delivering a range of energy efficiency advice and services to householders, communities, and businesses throughout the North East. 

Visit their website for:

Website: https://www.scarf.org.uk/

Email: info@scarf.org.uk

Phone: 01224 213005

Logo of SCARF

Warmer Homes Scotland

Warmer Homes Scotland provides energy saving home improvements, including central heating systems and insulation, to eligible households who are struggling to keep warm or with the cost of their energy bills; making homes warmer, more comfortable and more affordable to heat. 

You can check your eligibility by contacting Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282, or by using our self-assessment tool here: https://homeenergyscotland-advice.est.org.uk/SelfAssessment/

For more information about the programme, please contact Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282 and an energy advisor will be happy to assist you. 

Energy Action Scotland

Energy Action Scotland (EAS) campaigns for an end to fuel poverty in Scotland and is the only national charity with this sole remit. EAS aims to develop and promote effective solutions to the problem of cold, damp and expensive to heat homes.

Website: https://eas.org.uk/sources-of-help/

Aberdeen City Council's Home Energy Team

Aberdeen City Council’s Home Energy Team, was created as part of the Council’s Home Energy Strategy. The Team can provide information on home energy efficiency projects in Aberdeen such as:

Aberdeen Affordable Warmth Scheme

Aberdeen Victorian tenements project

Visit the Energy Saving Aberdeen website

Logo for National Centre for Resilience

This portion of our website has been funded by a 2024 community council grant from the National Centre for Resilience.